For some time I have been wondering about writing a blog. There have been a number of questions buzzing around in my head about the value of blogs for sharing ideas, connecting with others etc, etc and I find myself amazed that people find the time.
But as I approach the end of my 20th year on the
Scripture Union staff I wonder if there might be some value in dialoguing with others about the issues of life and faith and the way that they interact and intersect.
So here I am - thinking aloud about what comes my way.
But there are some parameters too
1. MissionI am passionately concerned about how we connect the good news of the Christian gospel with those who would never even consider entering a church. In recent years I have been challenged about whether or not my comfortable midle class existence has led me to accomodate and even compromise the gospel so it fits me. Last summer I began under the prompting of God to explore what that really means in practice by getting involved in mission activity on a local estate. This involved leaving my evangelical anglican church which I had attended for over 25 years and getting to know Christians who have a concern for the same estate. The challenge finally came to a head through listening to
Rob Bell speak on Acts 19 at
Youthwork the conference in 2006.
2. Young peopleFor most of the last 30 years I have been involved in relating to teenagers - as a
secondary school teacher,
schools worker, volunteer youth leader. Investing in the next generation is key to the future and I love seeing young people grow and become the people God made them to be. That is why I continue to be involved in youth work even now.
3. The BibleI believe that God's story of redemption contained in the Bible is the adventure of life that we have all been called to be part of. We need to join in with what God is doing in the world and help people to engage with the Bible. The decline in Biblical Literacy is not just that people don't know Bible stories, it is that the story of the Bible is no longer the or even one of the framing stories for their lives.
It is with those three areas in mind that I have begun a
D Min in theology this week
Exploring the practical implications of the decline in Biblical Literacy for the practice of Christian Youth Work
Watch this space for developments in all three areas